
Code, Enhance & Caffeine


Hello, my name is Ashok. A passionate Front-End-Engineer.

I have advanced experience in developing and building highly scalable web applications. Expertise in web performance techniques and implementations. I mostly work with JavaScript, Typescript, Angular and React. I'm also fluent with build tools like Webpack and gulp, transpilers like Babel and Typescript. I care a lot about user experience, minimalism, reusability and clean code.

I'm actively looking for new opportunities. So drop me a mail for any new opportunities.

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The Movie DB Search
Live Graph - Chart.js
A modern web app dashboard to view any live data with chart.js. So here I developed 5 charts which includes Bar, Line and Doughnut graphs which acts dynamically with random value generation methods.
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MyChat - Chat Application
Live CORONA Virus (COVID-19) Data
Its a simple live data of Covid19 virus with chart.js and the API used is from RapidAPI. So it has top five countried based on live-cases with doughnut shaped grapha and table with all countries data on Corona Virus.
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The Movie DB Search
The Movie DB Search
A modern web app to view the movie details from TMDB API. I fetched those API and shown the movies in the grid list. As a second phase the movie rating and awards will be listed.
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MyChat - Chat Application
MyChat - Chat Application
Multiple Room and Multiple group chat Application. You can enter any room and you can share the room details with your friends to chat privately. Built with node and Socket.io.
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Video Exchange
Video Exchange
Developed a modern Video exchange platform with pure JS similar to youtube where you can create a dynamic video list. API's keep changing but still you can experience the complete UI.
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Video Recorder
Video Recorder
A video Recorder and playback feature web application which allows you to record the video and playback right away. In Future it can be built like a chat app to share with others. It was built with pure vanilla JS.
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Hidden Diamond
Hidden Diamond
It was built in few hours. Its typically not an game application. But this web compnent allows you to play with it. Its just to find a hidden dimaond where hint is also given. Built with pure vanilla JS.
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Basic Cart - React
Basic Cart - React
Its a simple cart functionality application where it allows you to increment, decrement, delete and reset the cart counts. Its completely for the functionality purpose.
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Sellsmart - Mobile App
Sellsmart - Mobile App
Its for an express checkout and the website and mobile app was built by GoFrugal Developers. We spent lot of time on making it simple in all means and delivered the app. Built with JS and Angular.
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GoFrugal - Mobile App Site
GoFrugal - Mobile App Site
At GoFrugal we had several mobile apps and we had planned to develop a page linking all the mobile apps and it was done independently by me. It was built with JS and jQuery.
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VideoKen - Web
VideoKen - Web
I was completely taking care of the VideoKen website apart from the Web Application and AI Player. So I bought youtube search feature in the home page for lead generation. Built with JS and jQuery.
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VideoKen - Dashboard
VideoKen - Dashboard
As the meaning and usage of our application increases we had to build a dahsboard for the tracking. And Thus we built those for in-depth tracking. It was built with JS and ChartJS by VidoeKen Developers.
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VideoKen - AI Player
VideoKen - AI Player
An Artificial Intelligence Video Player with E-Learning Application which was built with Vanilla JS, React JS, Angular and Bundling tools like Webpack and Gulp by VideoKen Developers.
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Coming Soon
Apart from the above applications, Few other projects and enhancement of above applications are still In-Progress and those information and status will be keep updating here now and then.
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